Our personal experience of route:-
This is a interesting archaeological circular walk with Prehistoric to middle ages treasures, below the you will see details of the observations you will make.
For us the route is a little short and there on our own Wikiloc and in this gallery, we have a route starting at Amorosa, circular, covering 90% of this route but with an extension to make it about 12km walk
Official route details from Silves Camera (google translate) You will observe the following:-
Necropolis of Pedreirinha:- Composed of two adult and one children's sepulchres, found dispersed by rocky emergencies that emerge in isolation at the top of the elevation.
Alignment of Vilarinha:- The four menhirs that remain in the sites were carved in red sandstone from the region (“gres de Silves”) and constituted an alignment with socio-religious functions, which was built by the first communities that inhabited the area during the second half of the 6th millennium BC and part of the following Millennium (ca 5500 - 4500 BC)
Necropolis of Carrasqueira:- Previously studied cemeteries, where identical rituals of burial were observed, suggest that necropolises with this type of graves may have originated in the Visigothic Period.
Necropolis of Forneca:- These monuments are commonly attributed to the High Middle Ages, the 6th to 7th centuries, and to the expansion of peoples from Central Europe.